Thursday, June 08, 2006

Deja Vu Research Style

So... I wrote this little disertation six-seven years ago. I probably should have spent the next year culling papers from it, or trying to get the whole thing published. But I didn't. Weddings, Babies, lots of teaching, showed up. Research got put on the back burner. Time passed.
Now I am trying to get back into the research/publishing mode. So reading through several papers on Forgiveness I find that several ideas that were original to me, at the time I wrote them seven years ago, but didn't publish them, are now being written about by other writers. It makes me feel stupid. Probably a little like that guy that sold Microsoft DOS for a couple thousand bucks in the seventies.

Oh well. I was innovative once. Maybe I can be innovative again.


At 12:59 PM, Blogger Jeff Pollet said...

You should at least Forgive yourself (capital F) for the sake of irony.

I'm sure you have lots of good ideas, still, Steve. And you also have a wife, two great kids, a house, a M&M game....etc.

At 9:26 AM, Blogger Scholz said...

For Irony I will do almost anything.


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