Wednesday, November 08, 2006

3 Years Old

I started this blog in the anticipation of my daughter's birth. Now she is three years old. Wow!
She already has a a little trepidation about growing up. This morning as we went into the kids room she said "It is not my birthday, I am not grown up... yet." It took some convincing, but eventually she warmed to the idea.
In our tradition of making birthday gifts I constructed a robot from a collection of parts (mini-mannequin, paper towel tubes, little bits of scavenged computer motherboard from the school's IT department) and designed a Cafe Press T-Shirt with her favorite robot saying "I am a Robot. You must Obey Me!" Carly assembled a push bike for her (like a real two wheeler, but with no pedals.)
The robot was recognizable, which is good. Will was very interested in it. A tug of war started and my hours of work began to disintegrate. Oh well, I guess you can judge the popularity of a toy by its lifespan. We were able to salvage much of it, and Will eventually settled down. Sophie seemed pretty pleased with it during breakfast (little muffin cakes Carly made... yum).
So, I am thinking my ability to make a usable kids toy may have been overly optimistic, but after a fair amount of it was destroyed, I was able to scale back some of the extra stuff, and the main body may very well survive.
Sophie was interested in the push-bike, but she was a little hesitant to try it. She kept saying "When I am a big girl I will ride that." And then pulling out her four wheel bike to practice on that. I suspect by the weekend she will have tried it. We shall see.
Cool Grandma and Fun Papa bought a large plastic art easel. It is very cool, a white board, a chalk board and a lots of doodads, I am sure she will love it. And it will survive outside as well. We weren't able to have her open all her gifts, but we will get around to that shortly enough.
Pictures forthcoming.


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