Monday, November 08, 2004

One Year!

Sophie is one year old today. Wow. It went so fast. This does not bode well for how quickly will I be aging. But, wow. just wow.

We had a little party for her yesterday. Carly made a teddy bear cake (very cool) and her famous Cinncinati chili (for Frito Pie). We had balloons, a banner. A bunch of famly came over. It was the right number of people, and a good time was had for all.

Sophie lasted through the whole party! She opened her presents (including a very cool Webbles town center from Aunt Holly). She played with the ribbons, and she stuffed cake and ice cream with incredible gusto. She shoveled that cake straight into her face without a thought. She also ate iceream with her hands, and didn't seem to mind at all.

So... her first large doses of milk products, wheat, processed sugar. Well. She did pretty well.

She crashed around 7:30pm.
Then was crying hysterically around 8:30pm. Then crashed.
Then was crying hysterically around 9:30pm. Crash.
Then was crying hysterically around 10:30pm. Crash
Crying around 1:00pm.
Crying around 2:30pm.
Then slept soundly til 7pm.

Overall, not too bad.


At 1:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Sophie.


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