Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Unrelated Updates

Work : I have finally moved into my old office... does that sound weird? I guess it is. But, it is a good thing. It is remarkable how much better I feel about being at School with my own office. The walls have my diplomas, my maps, my pictures of the babies. My bookshelves are filled with.. gasp... philosophy books! The closet has my robes and gym clothes, and I look forward toward getting a mini-kitchen...microwave and minifridge.
Now.. if only the air conditioning were working. It got up to 100 today. My office my sauna.

Will is taking a 2 hour nap and going down well for bed. He still gets up twice or thrice a night, and lights 5:30 in the morning. But it is a start.

Sophie after running around tonight naked after her bath was standing there looking a little awkward. I whisked her up and put her on her little potty. And... well nothing too impressive, but a little pee! Pee in the Potty! This is a good thing.
She is also talking a lot more. "Daddy" and "Mommy", "Chicken", "Bye, Bye", "Knock knock"(while tapping on the window to get daddy's attention),"Duck!" (the bird), "Pea/Bean" (not and obvious distinction).

Bargain Hunters Notice We are participating in the neighborhood yard sale this weekend. Some lucky person is going to get some crystal or other high end items at a low low price. I don't know how much it is worth, but it is getting sold. Clearing out the attic. Anything we don't sell will go to Goodwill... clean sweep.

Grandparents visited last week. It was good. They even stayed the night one night allowing Carly and I to go to a local B&B, have a romantic dinner, go to coffee, and play mini-golf. It was a much needed mini-vacation. Thanks Mom and Dad and GG (great grandma Betty)!


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