You like me, you really like me!
I got a flurry of responses to my last post, so I guess I do have a few readers.
Update on Airlines- US Air sent a short but reasonably contrite letter of apology with a vaucher for $200 of future flight. Not too bad.
I did contact a Travel Agent to buy the next round of flights to California...Dec8th - Dec 30th for those of you interested. She was able to get about the same cost of flights (as A suggested) but was able to get much better flights than I would have been relying on either the airlines phone or web service. We will actually be in before midnight without getting up at 5am. So that is good. She was not able to secure us bulkhead seating. Those of you readers with Children in Carseats can understand the need. A rear facing carseat is a huge pain in non-bulkhead seats. Well, actually any carseat is a pain, whereever it is, but particularly in Coach on a plane.
So, hopefully things will go as smoothly as possible..
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