State Fair!
Last year we waited until the last day, then it rained, and we decided to not go. This year we got our act together, so did nature, and despite raining yesterday and the day before, today was in the 70s with blue skies.
So this morning we packed the kids up, brought the economy sized bottle of purel disinfectant, and drove down to the park n ride. The last time we went required parking miles from the gate, hoofing it with kid(s) in tow. This was way better. Also the kids are older and braver now than before. Carly also bought advanced tickets at the mall for a big discount.
We first stopped by the farmers display, and the kids got to pretend to pick potatoes and apples. What is cool is that before the fair they actual plant and tend corn, pumpkins, potatoes, gourds, all sorts of vegies so that they are fresh and ripe by fair time.
Then the kids wanted to ride the tea cup. Reasoning they were too small to go alone. I went with them. They loved it. I got dizzy and nauseous.
Mostly we just strolled through the displays. We saw the cows and chickens (the kids got to hold baby chicks.... and loved that). We hit a petting zoo, and the kids took a short pony ride (now $4 up from 50ยข when Sophie nearly did it). We had lunch, and strolled about some more, and ate some funnel cake before the huge crowds made heading home seem the right thing.
Good wholesome fun.
Heh. We went yesterday with my parents, just in time to get poured on. Enough rain to stop the ferris wheel, not enough to help with drought at all...feh.
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