The Adventures of RUBY
In the most well orchestrated birth of all time Ruby Louise was born yesterday. She is 8.5lbs, 20.5 inches. Born at 10:28am. Healthy, hungry and happy. All signs point to her being a good sleeper (more on that later).
Unlike the previous adventures. This birth went smoothly and by the book.
My parents arrived Saturday evening. We had a nice evening together and then in the morning I made a big breakfast (strawberry and blueberry pancakes, bacon, melon, juice, coffee). During breakfast Carly started to get short, irregular contractions, but unlike her previous ones these were 'back labor' pains, after an hour or so, she decided this was probably it. Again, we decided better safe than sorry. We bundled into the car, gave my folks directions to the center and some basic instructions for the kids.
The ride at 9am to Chapel was uneventful. Just driving at the flow of traffic was quick going (people were passing us while we were going at 80mph). Luckily this was Sunday morning instead of Monday morning (which might have doubled or trebled the time).
The only snag was when we arrive at the Birth Center before our midwife, so we had to wait outside. Carly's labor was progressing, but still manageable. The midwife arrived about 5 minutes later and we got the pick of rooms. The midwife began the examination, I filled the tub. Carly was at 6cm, 100% effaced, and at +1. She got in the tub and endured a serious of strong painful contractions. I leaned over her and applied pressure to her lower back. Within minutes she was pushing. Just about the time the baby was crowning, Carly started to roll over (she was face down to encourage the baby to move from Posterior to Forward facing) and I slipped behind her in the tub. I say behind her, and she starting pushing in earnest. Seconds later the baby was born in the water. The Midwife pulled her out, all blue and tiny, and placed her in Carly's arms. We stood there holding our baby for several minutes before we bothered to look under the cord and determine that SHE was a SHE. We got out (easier said than done).
We settled down, and eventually called my folks to bring the kids up. And called the relatives.
After a few hours, the Midwife and nurses declared Carly and Ruby healthy, and when Carly felt strong enough, we drove home with our new addition.
Congratuations! She's adorable. I'm glad everything went so smoothly.
Welcome to the world, Ruby!
Happy Birthday to Ruby!
I'm an idiot and just figured it out.
Is she going to have a chorus?
Hello Ruby! Welcome!
Congratulations! She is beautiful:)
-Elizabeth Bacher
Well done mommy and daddy!
A birth center is a great option.
Now....sleep every minute you can.
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