Damn.. I'm really old in binary!
It is some consolation that yesterday I was 100111 which somehow looks even older.
Maybe later I will have some philosophical musings on where I am at this ripe age.
The Web Log of Stephen Scholz, philosopher, dad, political gadfly and gamer.
Damn.. I'm really old in binary!
Got a comment made to my (semi retired since July)M&M Game's, fictional newspaper blog.
The new game went very well this time. A reasonable amount of discussion, intrigue, and actually some action, including a fight! I am digging the Steam Age, though I don't think this will be a permanent game. Maybe for a few more months, then on to something different.
I am exhausted. This long weekend has been very tiring.And honestly we didn't do much. I mowed the lawns, we put up some bookshelves. But that is about it, in terms of house work. The main issue has been the kids. They have launched a full scale rebellion. Pretty much anything we tell them to do, they don't. Anything we tell them not to do, they do, repeatedly. Our time outs and scolding seem to fall on deaf ears. They've taken to demolishing their train sets (which they cannot yet put together and require an hour or so to assemble), Sophie has had multiple bathroom 'accidents', they've left a path of destruction in their wakes to rival our initial moving mess. They won't nap, and sleep doesn't seem to come easy to them, or us as a result. Will has developed an obsessive fear of shadows, especially the rocking chair shadow, which he knows is the rocking chair, but still fears.
So today I mostly cleaned up, and organized the garage. It is not perfect, as there are still things that need to go elsewhere, but for a garage, it is in pretty good shape. Room to park in a car in there, if you can imagine.