Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Video Killed the Lecture Star

I filmed what might become episode one of "The Examined Life" a half hour show, in theory to be put into rotation for the 'late night crowd' on a local cable channel. It was pretty harrowing. When I started teaching I thought, heck I'm a GM, this is just like GMing with a bigger group. That was so not true. It was way scarier
Then I gave my first conference paper. Heck, this is just like teaching a class only to people who actually read.
I was wrong, it was way scarier..
So now I was by myself (well and the camera man), a blinking red dot, and a camera. Terrifying.

However, a few minutes into it and it wasn't so bad.
I didn't prepare quite enough material, I ended up with about 20 minutes. But I think I have a good idea for the next shot in a couple weeks.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Loose Ends

Spent a weekend tying up a few loose ends. And running a Serenity Game episode entitled "Loose Ends" strangely enough.
  1. Minor repairs around the house (things just get loose and need tightening)
  2. Finally, finished the painting project begun last fall when my parents visited.†
  3. Hung said paintings. Now our big wall is finally not a giant blank white. I haven't decided if this this better
  4. Got the external garage door opener to work. Now we can lock the house and leave without keys, which is nice for a quick trip to the nearby playground.

† Here it is!

Scary stuff this week. I get filmed for television. Two 25 minute lectures to go into rotation next fall on a local cable station. One camera. No script, part of the deal. Yikes.