Wednesday, June 25, 2008

More photos!

Brand Spanking New
Originally uploaded by carly scholz
Here is a sample and link to Carly's Flickr page where you can see Ruby in all her glory. She is really good at sleeping IF we are holding her, OR it is daylight. Come nightfall though, her crib is a place she will NOT sleep. Sigh. I know, three days old.. it will pass.

Monday, June 23, 2008

The Adventures of RUBY

In the most well orchestrated birth of all time Ruby Louise was born yesterday. She is 8.5lbs, 20.5 inches. Born at 10:28am. Healthy, hungry and happy. All signs point to her being a good sleeper (more on that later).

Unlike the previous adventures. This birth went smoothly and by the book.
My parents arrived Saturday evening. We had a nice evening together and then in the morning I made a big breakfast (strawberry and blueberry pancakes, bacon, melon, juice, coffee). During breakfast Carly started to get short, irregular contractions, but unlike her previous ones these were 'back labor' pains, after an hour or so, she decided this was probably it. Again, we decided better safe than sorry. We bundled into the car, gave my folks directions to the center and some basic instructions for the kids.

The ride at 9am to Chapel was uneventful. Just driving at the flow of traffic was quick going (people were passing us while we were going at 80mph). Luckily this was Sunday morning instead of Monday morning (which might have doubled or trebled the time).

The only snag was when we arrive at the Birth Center before our midwife, so we had to wait outside. Carly's labor was progressing, but still manageable. The midwife arrived about 5 minutes later and we got the pick of rooms. The midwife began the examination, I filled the tub. Carly was at 6cm, 100% effaced, and at +1. She got in the tub and endured a serious of strong painful contractions. I leaned over her and applied pressure to her lower back. Within minutes she was pushing. Just about the time the baby was crowning, Carly started to roll over (she was face down to encourage the baby to move from Posterior to Forward facing) and I slipped behind her in the tub. I say behind her, and she starting pushing in earnest. Seconds later the baby was born in the water. The Midwife pulled her out, all blue and tiny, and placed her in Carly's arms. We stood there holding our baby for several minutes before we bothered to look under the cord and determine that SHE was a SHE. We got out (easier said than done).
We settled down, and eventually called my folks to bring the kids up. And called the relatives.
After a few hours, the Midwife and nurses declared Carly and Ruby healthy, and when Carly felt strong enough, we drove home with our new addition.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Still no baby.....

Got the house straightened out for my folks.
Bought all the food for a week's worth of meals (mostly).
Put mulch out around the trees so it looks like I care. (Two showers later).
Carly picked up a bunch of new toys for the kids for if/when the little green monster shows up.
We are ready!

Last time Carly went into labor a few hours after my parents arrived. That worked well. These next few hours are actually the tricky ones. Our two primary babysitters are away from town today. So until my parents arrive it will be a little tricky if she goes into labor.

I'll keep you informed as best as possible.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Summer Time Blues

Sophie's school ended last week.
Not two days later Sophie came to Carly and pleaded to "please do some works". So Carly set her up at her art table to work on her numbers.
It is pretty gratifying.
This summer will soon be filled with a variety of day camps, visits from Grandparents, and of course, the baby. But, both kids are already thinking about School in the Fall.

Monday, June 09, 2008

False Alarm?

Time 5:30am....
Carly gave me the ... you're snoring shove. No wait, this was the wake up it's time to have a baby shove.
I sprang into action. We moved like a well oiled machine.
We got the kids up, and into the car (already packed). Dropped them off at our great friend Linda's and a short ride (40minutes or so in pre-rush hour traffic) We were in Chapel Hill at the Birth center.

And nothing. No real changes, yet. Small contractions. So we hung out, had breakfast, went to the mall (walked a mile or two there). Still nothing. We came back to Raleigh, picked up the kids (now napping) and wait some more.

At least my students got the day off.

Friday, June 06, 2008

Yellow Alert

Carly went to the Birth center yesterday for her weekly check up, and found out she was 4cm dilated. She'd been feeling a lot of activity this week, but wasn't sure what to make of it. I've been cruising along not worrying myself. The plan was quite simple.

The due date is June 24th.
I teach until June 16th,
That gives me over a week to prepare.
My parents arrive June 21st.
If the baby comes a little early, no problem, we leave them with my folks, head to the birth center, have the baby, and my parents bring the kids to see some reasonable time afterward.

That was before the 4cm business and the notice that it could be another 2 weeks (probably not 3) or it could be tonight (or last night... okay it wasn't last night but it could have been).

Now panic set in.
My car was almost out of gas.
We have no one to watch the kids if the baby comes in the night.
I haven't packed my own bag, much less the kids.
What if we don't make it and Carly needs to deliver in the car?
What will happen if I miss the last week of summer school?

Luckily, the baby did not arrive yesterday.
1. Cars now full of gas (we will be keeping them that way).
2. Friend Linda has agreed to take kids (even in the middle of the night) and even set up an extra bed just in case it is a night run.
3. Bags are packed, clothes for us (including bathing suit for hopeful water birth), food bag for afterward, kids overnights (just in case), and emergency car bag, just in case. Maps are printed (need to update map with Hospitals en route).
4. Notes, Quizzes, Final Exam all prep'd and ready to go if I need to miss any class.

Okay, I am still anxious. But I can breath.