Paper Submitted
My paper for the Pacific Divison APA meeting 2007 is in. Cross your fingers.
The Web Log of Stephen Scholz, philosopher, dad, political gadfly and gamer.
Okay, where have we heard that before?
Read this :,71642-0.html
When I was in college I lived in a house that I shared with a couple other guys. They were not what you would call "neat freaks." You see we had an inordinate quantity of dishes, cutlery and such. I think we were the first of our generation to leave the homes, so we had all the hand-me-down stuff. One could go weeks without needing to reuse the same dish or spoon. So dishes were frequently left in the sink, and a game started that was basically "who can hold out the longer before washing dishes." It was not a game I liked to play, it was a game I always lost. I just don't have the patience to win for the principle. And I was afraid of botulism. I am still pretty quick to get dishes into the washing machine, and out once clean.
So Will has barely grown in six months. He is "off the chart" as our pediatrician puts it for weight. First, I think they need to get a better chart. I mean, he might be a statistical anomally, but he isn't on life support or anything. He seems able to run and play, and is in all other respects a normally little kid. So, either something is wrong with those charts, or we are missing something.
Tomorrow is allegedly the first day of classes. It is the same old routine.
So the other day William and Sophie and I were playing. Sophie had something that William really wanted (this, or the reverse, is a common predicament these days), but in an example of sibling love Sophie just gave it to him. I commended her, and enjoined Will to thank his sister.
I finished a paper for submission to Pacific APA. Well nearly, I need to check some footnotes, and write an abstract before submission.
Our journey to California got Carly and I thinking more about moving the family westward. It was really nice being near my brothers and parents. I never really put much into being close to the family. I've lived pretty much away, since high school, and never really regretted it, until recently. I think the kids have definitely factored into the equation. The idea of having their grandparents nearby, for babysitting, or just visiting. The idea of being closer to the resources that they possess are all very attractive. I don't know how often we'd ask my folks to babysit, or have visits, but just having them there would open a lot of doors for us. And I really like the idea of the kids having close relationships with their cousins.
We've returned from California and nearly settled into the normal routine at home. W pretty much all returned somewhat sick, and for Sophie and me, it has lasted. I am just now feeling better, and would probably be fine ifI had gotten some sleep last night, but Sophie appears to be suffering from an Ear infection. It is pretty rough on her, and us. So far it appears to mostly be affecting her at night. Last night approximately every two hours or so, she would beginning screaming at the top of her lungs, and there was little we could do to help her. For a bit she stayed in bed with us, but she was pretty fidgety, and didn't seem to be hurting so we tried to move her back to her bed. That failed, and Carly ended up sleeping with her on the couch. I got my three hours of unencumbered sleep...woo....hoo.